Best Choice for: Putting, short to medium and tailwind drives, forward finishing with slight fade approaches.
Note: All flight ratings are for Neutron/Proton/Plasma plastics. Electron/Fission plastics will be slightly less stable than displayed ratings.
Axiom Discs says this about the Proxy: The Proxy putt and approach has been highly anticipated ever since its PDGA approval back in September. The Proxy is based on the popular Envy core for a tight mildly shallow grip, and has a flight best described as a broken-in Envy. With just a bit of added turn potential, the Proxy is workable but still quite straight-stable. The Proxy really shines in its low-speed cruise and drop, which is remarkably straight and forward-fading. This classic ''broken-in'' flight is captured right off the shelf in durable and grippy Neutron plastic. The Proxy is what the Anode is to Ion, but with an even straighter finish.
Neutron | From $18.99 |
Plasma | From $18.99 |
Electron | From $14.99 |
Electron Soft | From $14.99 |
Electron Firm | From $13.99 |
Eclipse Glow | From $20.99 |
Cosmic Electron Firm | From $14.99 |
Cosmic Electron | From $14.99 |
Cosmic Electron Soft | From $14.99 |
Fission | Out of Stock |
Total Eclipse Glow | Out of Stock |
Proton Soft Particle Glow | From $23.99 |
Speed | 3 |
Glide | 3 |
High Speed Stability | -1 |
Low Speed Stability | 0.5 |
Difficulty | 2 |
21.10 cm
Rim Depth
1.50 cm
Rim Thickness
1.10 cm
Disc Height
1.80 cm
Max Weight
174.3 gm
Manufacturer | Axiom Discs |
Plastic | Electron Firm |
Stamp | Standard |
Skill Level | 2.0 |
Floats in Water | No |
Disc Type | |
PDGA Approved | 09/24/2014 |